Glue is an award-winning creative shop that delivers fully-integrated marketing initiatives as well as a range of solutions, including:
- Brand identity for products and services, brand signature development, brand naming, logo design, icon creation, tagline development, and brand architecture elaboration
- Insight-based creative campaigns across all media channels: broadcast, video, print, out of home (OOH), radio, and digital, including websites, banners, HTML5 animation, social media deployment, and sales and marketing materials
- Photography and video, including real-people casting, CGI, animation, live-action, and testimonials
Glue takes a very disciplined approach to creative concept development
Among other guiding principles, we subscribe to David Ogilvy’s belief that it’s not creative unless it sells. You may ask, “Can we figure out if the creative will sell before the product is on the shelf?” The answer is “Yes!” so long as you know what insights are driving your customers' behavior. That’s where market research comes in. Read more
The team at Glue has received numerous awards for our creative work.
These include the APEX award, CLIO Awards, Brainz Magazine CREA Global Award, Best Design award by DesignRush, eHealthcare Leadership Award, Expertise awards for Best Advertising Agencies in New York City, The London Award, the MM+M Award for best agency self-promotion, Rx Awards, and Top 100 Innovators and Entrepreneurs. Read more
Brand Signature
A brand’s name, logo, iconography, and tagline are all part of that brand’s signature. They are all critical to building brand awareness and recognition, whether the brand is a product, service, person, or corporation, and should effectively convey the characteristics and qualities of the brand to potential customers. Read more
At Glue, design is critical to our creative process. It plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging an audience, communicating a brand’s message, and driving conversions. Here are 4 specific reasons why design is so important to marketing. Read more
Digital Tactics
As an agency steeped in digital marketing, Glue loves working in the digital space, and it shows: DesignRush has recognized us as a global digital powerhouse since 2016. We offer web development services with a specialized team of designers and developers who build scalable, customer-centric sites backed by world-class CMS systems built to the highest standards. Read more
OOH (Out of Home)
OOH advertising, also known as outdoor advertising, targets consumers when they are outside of their homes. It includes billboards, posters, digital signage, transit ads, street furniture, and place-based media, which are displayed in public spaces like streets, highways, shopping malls, bus stops, airports, and stadiums. OOH ads are used to reach a wide audience, build brand awareness, and increase customer engagement. Read more
Glue is a pioneer in the world of photography. After a major national bank hit a wall when it came to finding suitable diverse images for use in their promotional campaigns—stock houses are still playing catch-up—their brand team asked our team to help create a library of proprietary images promotional managers could use to promote a range of mortgage products. Read more
Print, Broadcast, And Video
Glue has an incredible bench of award-winning copywriting, art direction, and production talent that keeps turning out award-winning work in the print and digital spaces, world-class broadcast TV and video production, interruptive out-of-home billboards and radio spots. Read more
Social Media
Glue has long been a champion of social media and influencer marketing
We’ve used social media to build loyal and engaged audiences for our financial services, B2B, and CPG clients, provide education about diseases and their treatment, make product announcements, and deepen brand loyalty. We apply insights revealed by social listening to inform marketing strategy and execution. We also identify, cultivate, and leverage the power of influencers to shape awareness and understanding to motivate your stakeholders to take action. Read more
Sales + Marketing Materials
Insight, strategy, and creative are foundational, but the rubber meets the road at execution. Glue has produced every sales tool imaginable. From print and interactive visual aids, also known as e-detail aids, plans of action (POAs) for sales meetings, implementation guides, as well as training and educational materials. Read more
When it comes to voice of authority, endorsements by people who have experience with your brand offer perhaps the most compelling endorsement next to word-of-mouth. Glue has created testimonials for a wide range of products. Read more